IDentif.AI Online

This resource is based on a recently completed study that harnessed the IDentif.AI platform to experimentally pinpoint a broad spectrum of potential combinations against SARS-CoV-2. IDentif.AI does not use in silico modelling or synergy predictions. Instead, it pairs prospective experimental validation with an optimisation process to provide a list of regimens, which can be explored through this interactive resource, for further consideration. This database will be updated as additional candidate therapies are assessed. Further information can be found here.

Drug Combination

(Maximum 4 drugs*)






CQ (Chloroquine Diphosphate)

HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate)


OSV-P (Oseltamivir Phosphate)




IDentif.AI Derived

Invalid drug combination

SARS-CoV-2 Inhibition rank


Vero E6 Inhibition Vero E6 Cytotoxicity AC16 Cytotoxicity THLE-2 Cytotoxicity
0% 0% 0% 0%
Vero E6: Kidney Epithelial Cells
AC16: Liver Epithelial Cells
THLE-2: Cardiomyocytes

IMPORTANT NOTE: This resource is being provided for research purposes only. These results are derived from the use of IDentif.AI against a patient-derived live coronavirus, and NOT a prospective, randomised human trial. Properly designed and regulated human trials with all applicable ethics board approvals must be conducted in order to clinically evaluate the combinations. Do not initiate treatment without the guidance of a medical professional with accredited expertise and training to recommend therapy for COVID-19.